Legal notice

Legal notice

Business owner: Bahar Bayrak, Harry Schmid
Richard-Byrd-Str. 12
50829 Cologne
Federal Republic of Germany

Management: Bahar Bayrak, Harry Schmid

Phone number: +49-221.5000.57-20
Fax number: +49-221.5000.57-29
E-mail address:

Registry court & register number: Amtsgericht Köln

HRB 79639 USt-ID-Nr.:DE 222323539

Content responsibility: Bahar Bayrak, Harry Schmid , address as above.

Information on disposition of online-dispute: The EU Commission has created an Internet platform for the online-settlement of disputes (so-called “OS-platform”). The OS-platform serves as contact point for the extrajudical settlement of disputes regarding contractual obligations occurring from online-purchase contracts. The OS platform is available under the following link: